Bigarrada gris i negre

Bigarrada gris i negre

(Bigarrada Gris-Negre)

(Pole) A Catalonian heirloom from Spain. This variety is highly productive as a dry bean. The name ‘Bigarrada gris i negre’ translates from Catalan into English to roughly be ‘Variegated Gray Black’.

Xènia from Associació L’ERA, an organic agricultural association in Catalonia, shares,

“We have little information about “mongeta bigarrada gris i negre”[. It] is a pole bean, “bigarrada” means that [it] has different colors (usually 2 when we talk about beans). [Bigarrada gris i negre] is from a little town in the mountains, here in Catalonia called Cava ( the bean has 2 colors […] Has a short circle, around 50 days for flowering. Is cultivated to eat dry, the beans boiled, not the pods, that are very thready. The pods are flat and green, and has quite good production.”


“El municipi de Cava aplega una sèrie de nuclis del vessant nord de la serra del Cadí que històricament havien format part del comtat de Cerdanya, junt amb la resta del Baridà.” 1