Black Beauty Eggplant

Black Beauty

Black Beauty Eggplant
‘Mann the Seedman’ Catalogue, 1903


Black Beauty was first present in the 1902 Burpee’s Farm Annual Seed Catalogue. It was later featured in the cover photo and listings of the 1903 Burpee’s Farm Annual Catalogue and received mention in the 1903 Burpee’s Wholesale Seed Catalogue,

Pg 5, ‘Burpee’s 1902 farm annual : vegetable, flower and farm seeds’ Catalogue, 1902
Pg 15, ‘Burpee’s 1903 farm annual : vegetable, flower and farm seeds’ Catalogue, 1903
Pg 15, ‘Burpee’s 1903 farm annual : vegetable, flower and farm seeds’ Catalogue, 1903