Paddleger Norderschwei
(Paddleger Norderschwei, Paddleger aus Norderschwei, Paddler from Northern Switzerland)
(Bush) Originally received under the name ‘Paddler from Northern Switzerland’. Paddleger Norderschwei is an East Frisian heirloom for use as a snap and dry bean. According to Seeds of Diversity, this variety is “a bush version of a pole variety by the same name – found in the Norderschwei/Wesermarsch district…” (Seeds of Diversity, ON CL T).
The variety Paddleger Norderschwei is often incorrectly cited as being from Northern Switzerland or the Netherlands. It is likely that the name “Paddler from Northern Switzerland” stems from an error in translating the variety name into English.
Days to Maturity:
Paddleger Norderschwei comes from the municipality of Norderschwei in Lower Saxony. 3 Lower Saxony is a North-West German state, that is bordered by the North Sea. 4 Norderschwei is located near the Wesermarsch district.
According to Bohnen Atlas, the Paddleger Norderschwei (or ‘Paddleger aus Norderschwei’),
“[…] ist eine früher in der Wesermarsch weit verbreitete Bohne, heute aber kaum noch zu finden. Fragt man ältere Leute, bekommt man überwiegend die Antwort: “Ja, die hatten wir früher”. […] Zur Bohne wurde dieses überliefert: Sie wächst an Stangen, und in einem 2. Wachstumschub legt sie sich “ins Padd”, also auf den Weg. Die Hülsen des 1. Wachstums lässt man für das Saatgut stehen, die Hülsen des 2. Wachstums sind für die Küche. Wegen dieses Phänomens des “sich ins Padd legen” wurde sie allgemein nur Paddleger genannt.” 2
[English] “[…] was once a common bean in the Wesermarsch, but is now hard to find. If you ask older people, you’ll mostly get the answer: “Yes, we used to have them.” [,,,] This is what has been passed down about the bean: It grows on poles, and in a second growth spurt it lies “in the padd”, i.e. on the path. The pods of the 1st growth are left for the seeds, the pods of the 2nd growth are for the kitchen. Because of this phenomenon of “laying down in the padd” it was generally just called a paddler.” 2
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