Poroto Huancabamba
(Bush) An Ecuadorian variety from seed collector Mandy Botican. She received her original seed in 2018 from Steven Smith.
The Spanish word ‘Poroto’ translates to ‘bean’. Huancabamba is the name of a town in Northern Peru 1, southwest of the Santuario Nacional Tabaconas Namballe (Tabaconas-Namballe National Sanctuary 2). 1 Due to its close proximity to the Ecuador–Peru border it is highly plausible this variety is connected to or originated in the Huancabamba region.
Lovely (and uncommon) seed coat pattern and colouring. Seed coat is red-brown with a cream coloured verticle line on one side of the hilum. The dark lines on the seed coat are somewhat like a chocolate drizzle.
Days to Maturity: